Story Time Vol.1

Νομίζω θα καθιερώσω τις Τετάρτες πλέον σαν στόρυ τάιμ. 


A Walk to Remember 

They walked now. Hand in hand. In silence. They have been walking for miles. The glazing sun was staring at them. Their wanton faces lit. There was an anxiety in the atmosphere. A tension stricken so boldly, they could hardly recognize each other. She stumbled a bit. He felt uneasy. Should he stop? He felt angry now. His rhythm was quickening. He didn’t want to stop. His grip was relaxing now. She was trying to keep up. It felt as if they were walking for centuries now. Once the sun set, she feared to be alone with him. He used to be so sweet. Now she could not exist in his orbit. Her mind drifted. She remembered the first day they met. You know, one of those days, when the day is filled with promised possibilities. She gave into his calling. Like he was holding the trident and she was his wayward mermaid. Their song echoed in the universe. She felt so emblazed. He felt chilled. Their palms entwined. He wanted to make love to her again. She was his muse. He sensed every line of her body on his. It burned him. He turned away now. He staggered as well. She flinched. The waves were splashing and glistened on the heavy rocks beneath. He could feel her breath weaken. He wanted to embrace her but he let her go. Why did she keep on falling behind? She was reminiscent of how tender he was when they made love. Now he was stone. Her hair blew in her face. He had to let her go. Otherwise they would both collapse. His lust grew again. He wanted to take her in that instant. She was more fragile. He witnessed a tear. He turned away and kept on walking. She hurriedly tried to keep up. What could she have said now? What else was there for them to say? What words do you dare speak when silence consumes every bone in your body? She broke loose. He felt his grip lighter. He panicked. ‘Why did she let go?’ he thought. She collapsed by the small ledge there in the dock. The sun was shimmering with its bedazzling pastel waves. All purples and pinks and azure blues. It was too much for her to take in. What did he want from her now? To hit the ‘reset’ button? Her heart ached. His heart ached. He was getting weary now. He felt let down. Ready to let go. He stopped and stared at the purples and pinks and the azure blues. The space was filled with golden silence again and again. The word ‘love’ echoed in the fainting sunset. His mind was set. It was time to move on. With her. Without her. She felt frail. Drowning from too much passion. She picked herself up. Now it was time to snivel the silence. Her voice penetrated him. There it was; the woman his heart chose. All glorious and magnanimous. The tears were dancing on her cheeks. Her posture consumed him. They both knew their beginning. Their middle. And their end. Now the sun drowned forever. She took his hand in hers. He trailed his fingers through the softness of her cheeks. She whispered softly. And just like that, her footsteps echoed in his mind for eternity. Now they were walking on forever. 


Happy Wednesday everyone! C:

Ennio Morricone - Ma


  1. Εν λλίο καταθλιπτικές οι ιστορίες σου τζιαι προκαλούν μου τζιαι λλίο άγχος αλλά (μαζόχας) αρέσκουν μου πολλά!!
    Γράψε και στα ελληνικά...

  2. Χαχαχαχα ευχαριστώ καλή μου. Να σαι καλά.

    Χμμμ νομίζω εν εν αρκετά "καλά" τα ελληνικά μου για λογοτεχνία εν ξέρω αν θα μου πάει.

    Ναι, φκαίνουν κάπως ντιπρεσσινγκ, έννε; Νιώθω κάπως παράξενα εν γι' αυτό.

  3. Polla omorfo keimeno.pls grapse kai sta ellinika!!!!!

    1. Wow μα πολύ ζήτηση πέφτει για τον ελληνικό λόγο.

      Λαλώ σας το τζιαι κρίμα στο λαιμό σας. Αν γράψω τζιαι εν γεμάτο ορθογραφικά εν θα φταίω, α! :P

      Θα το προσπαθήσω Αμαδρυάδα μου.

      Να' σαι καλά μάι ντίαρεστ. :)

  4. The broke up just like that? Why? They didn't have feelings for each other anymore?

  5. They walked together for a long time. They will always walk together, even when they're apart.

    The love remains. Of course it does. It's always there. It doesn't faint or become old. It's eternal. :-)

    U liked it?

    1. Μου άρεσε ο τρόπος που γράφεις. Βρήκα το τέλος κάπως διφορούμενο και δεν κατάλαβα γιατί χώρισαν και όπως είπε και η από κάτω εν μου αρέσκει άμαν χωρίζουν

    2. Ευχαριστώ Ίνα μου. Γράφω όντως κάπως διφορούμενα τζιαι abstract. Εν εν πολλά ξεκάθαρο σε αρκετό κόσμο το τι συμβαίνει άξουαλι με τους χαρακτήρες, αλλά εν τούτο το ωραίο κατά τη γνώμη μου. Να αφήνεις την φαντασία σου να δημιουργήσει τα δικά του συμπεράσματα, εντυπώσεις, συναισθήματα. Σε φάση που είμαι τόσο ανοιχτή που δεν θέλω να πιέσω αυτόν που το διαβάζει και να τον αφήσω μόνο του να εκφραστεί μέσα από το κείμενο.

      Χαίρομαι που σου άρεσε. Την επόμενη φορά υπόσχομαι να μην χωρίσουν (θα προσπαθήσω) χαχαχα. Αλλά που ξέρεις. Ίσως ούτε και αυτοί να χώρισαν (ουσιαστικά) ;-)

  6. ου άτε
    εν μου αρέσκει άμαν χωρίζουν
    εν τω μεταξύ έσιει μιαν ταινίαν "a walk to remember"
    πολλλλά ρομαντική όμως μεν την δεις :)

  7. Hahahahahahaha ναι ναι είδα την. κλάαααααααααααααααμα ο λαός. το κλάμα που έσυρα όταν την είδα (πρέπει να μουν όμως 15-16) δεν λέγεται.

    βασικά επαίδεψε με εν η αλήθκεια πολλά ο τίτλος.

    εεε μα άτε τα γέριμα. τι ήσιει να τους κάμω. έτσι όπως τα εκάμασσιν. σσιόνι τζιαι γαστρί.
    oh well... :-p


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