
"What's it like, flying? I can't imagine how beautiful everything must look from up there. The very thought of being above the clouds, above the clouds in all that light; it's beyond me...makes me want to cry, just thinking about it. (Pause.) I get these attacks, Gabriel, where I start gong mad inside 'cause I can't get away. Feels like I can't breathe. Sometimes, when I'm in the fields all alone and the sky's pressing down, or in the lane where the white weeds grow, it gets on top of me so much, all the green and the clouds and the smell, that I shut my eyes and with all the force of my person: Give me wings so I could rise up off my feet, so I could strive away and see this place fading in the distance...Give me wings so I could see the sea stretching out beneath me, all blue, all dazzling, and I think, that feeling, that feeling I want, of freedom, of floating, that feeling...that'd be worth dying for, wouldn't it? (She is crying.) Oh! ... I was going to walk right into those mines and blow myself to kingdom come! ... I would've done it too but I'm glad I didn't now, and I owe that to -
Lily turns around. Gabriel is staring at her, bewildered. She starts with shock. 
You're awake."
~Gabriel by Moira Buffini

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