2012: Ο Απολογισμός

  • Home, the friend, Sissi, parents, fights, unemployement, Golden Globes, love, penniless, Yu-gi-Oh!, Wicked, home.
  • Home, the friend, Sissi, parents, more fights, little less love, Oscars, unemployment, penniless, Yu-gi-Oh!, bitterness, home, lonely.

  • Home, the friend, the friend's sister, annoyed, fights, gifts, meeting the parents, Sissi, unemployment, friends, outings, friendship-love, little even less romantic love, home, lonely, confused, anxiety, stress, home.
  • Easter, anxiety, happiness, love(?), break-up, tears, pain, suffering, lost, unemployed, family, Sissi, walks, friends, even more friends, pain, lies, tears, outings, coffees, sleeplessness, tears, home, painting, lost, home. 
  • Disappearance, England, Wicked, English friends, The Duchess of Malfi, Stratford City, North London, Ipad2 (Pantelis), Sissi, friends, friendship love, outings, opportunity, lost, hurt, lies, cheating, swearing, fights, tears, positivity, home, self-development, outings, beach, sun, love. 
  • Bella, outings, mountains, Waterpark, kids, walks, Larnaca, Paphos, outings, friends, love, coffees, drinks, sweets, beach, lies, ill, vomit, friends, ex, positivity, beach, hope, shake it off, live and let die, opportunity, theatre, out, Sissi, parents, friends, home, myself.
  • Theatre, friends, pain, tears, fear, hope, acting, ancient greek drama, culture, sadness, Akamas, ambiguity, confusion, nostalgia, Sissi, friends, family, hotel, village, swimming-pool, kids, salads, acting, demanding, fear, hope, friends, love.
  • The show must go on, acting, theatre, hope, tears, love, friends, Larnaca, birthday, Protaras, Ayia Napa, beach, friends, English friends, night-swim, love, hope, Sissi, home, parents, unemployment, beach, fear, love, Iced-Earth, new friends, old friends, good friends, true friends, love. 
  • Friendship, unemployment, Moonspell, home, Sissi, applications, fear, desperation, love, hope, friends, outings, dancing, drinking, eating, walks, gifts, job, Russian, hope, fun, new environment, new people, quality of life, home, theatre, friends, love.
  • Work, friends, parents, home, Sissi, walks, theatre, Cyprus, Russian, marketing, outings, drinks, dancing, friends, love, work, hope, love.
  • Dad, friends, family, work, demanding, Xmas, Sissi, friends, theatre, stress, anxiety, men suck, preparation,friends, new friends, Russian, board-games, driving around, chatting, reading, learning, yearning, hope, friends, work, sadness, tears, patience, faith, love.
  • Sissi, family, friends, flooding, work, work, work, work, Xmas, Xmas village, Russian, Russian friends, family, ethics, men suck, surprise, love, hope, old friends, new friends, good friends, true friends, exhaustion, long hours, too many sweets, loneliness, gratitude, pain, numbness, walks, Sissi, driving around, pain, tears, cousin, sexual awakening, freedom, independence, hope, love, truth!

Ουυυυ τωρά το επήρα χαπάρι ότι έγραφα στα αγγλικά τόση ώρα. Να με συγχωρήσετε αλλά εν έχω τζιαι πολλά τα λογικά μου τελευταία (εν ξέρω πότε τα είχα αλλά τέσπα).

Έκαμα ένα μίνι-απολογισμό της χρονιάς που πέρασε να δω πόσο δρόμο έκαμα. I think I did pretty decent under the circumstances. Ας ελπίσουμε στο λεγόμενο "the best is yet to come". 

Εύχομαι σε όλους μια υπέροχη βραδιά, κοντά από φίλους και αγαπημένους, γεμάτους με ας ελπίσουμε αισιοδοξία για ένα καλύτερο 2013. Ακούω πολλούς να λαλούσιν "lucky number 13". Γουέλ, ελπίζω να αποδειχτούσσιν σωστοί.

Happy New Year everyone! 
Don't forget to smile, hope, be truthful but above all...love!!!


  1. looks like a busy year! Ο,τι καλυτερο στον νεο χρονο!

  2. It was! Hahaha. Επίσης Dreamer μου. Καλό νέο χρόνο, πάντα με υγεία. :)

  3. Καλή Χρονιά Λου τζαι το 2013 να εχει μόνο καλά!!! :))

  4. Μακάρι η νέα χρονια να σου βγει συναρπαστικη! Καλα να περνάς. Φιλια!

  5. Ι hope all the best and all your wishes come to you this new year! Take care my love, and happy 2013! xxx

    You deserve it xx

  6. @Prasinada: Καλή Χρονιά καλή μου τζιαι πάντα με υγεία σε σένα τζιαι τους αγαπημένους σου. xxxx

    @Smili: Το ίδιο σου εύχομαι και εσένα Σμιλί μου. Με τις κοράσες σου τζιαι τον σύζηγο. Προ πάντωνν με υγεία τζιαι αγάπη. :) xxxx

    @Tinkerbell: Awwww Happy jolly new year my darling. Hope it was everything you were expecting it to, and even more so. Muchos bessitos. :-* xxxx


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