Guardian Angel

Many people do not believe in Guardian Angels...I do.I think the first time I believed I must have been during my first year of University. I was always a loner by my nature and I had to turn to something to believe in. I always have faith.My faith in my God.
But over the years my faith in Guardian Angels has increased. I know some people will consider this, as stupid and idiotic, and some even childish. Atheists will say I'm weak, hence I need something else to turn my faith to therefore I make up Guardian Angels with my mind to help me through tough times.
But it's not that at all. Lately I've had had some hard times in my life and through my faith I felt a deep inexplicable connection with another being. Not a human one, but rather a being outside of this world, out of the world we all feel and know.I always feel I am not alone. Like there's something watching over me. No matter how bad I'm bruised, I feel a sort of warmth and healment inside me. After those long and cold days, after the dreadful days at work, or a very frustrating day at home with the family, when I lay on my pillow and turn my head to sleep, I can feel this wondrous warmth. Do not be quick to judge me and call me names; I have felt and senses this glow in the dark, this voice which caddles me up and calls to me with words so sweet, that not even a mother cannot utter to her child. Like a divine hand comes to me and speaks to me in the total darkness of my room, whispering softly "All will be well.Just take my hand, and be afraid no more.All will be well, now!".
I know how ridiculous and idiotic it may sound to many, but I do believe in these heavenly creatures called Guardian Angels; the souls which are sent down to watch over us, protect us and guide us through the total darkness of this world.
All I have to say really is that I believe and it does not really matter if others don't, because what I feel inside me, is real and beautiful and warm. And no matter how many arguments and examples of the oppositive believers of other faiths might present to me, they'll never be able to change what I feel when this glow is upon me in the dark.
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