2 Stories

Θα σας γράψω δυο αποσπάσματα. Το ένα είναι μια ιστορία. Δεν ξέρω αν είναι παιδική ή για ενίληκες. Και το δεύτερο είναι μια σκηνή. Δεν ξέρω αν είναι θεατρικό, τηλεοπτικό ή κινηματογραφικό. Διαβάστε τα και όσοι πιστοί εκεί έξω μπορείτε να μου πείτε ποιο απ' τα δυο σας άρεσε ή δε σας άρεσε (το γιατί εν προεραιτικό) και ποια ιστορία θα θέλατε να δείτε τη συνέχεια της βασικά ή αν δε θα θέλατε να δείτε τη συνέχεια της...

Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων σε όσους διαβάσουν.


The Wave

Once upon a time, as the times would have it, a little child was born from the foams of the deep blue sea. It's name was Wave. Wave was neither a boy nor a girl, but rather it was simply a child of the sea. It was born on a windy night full of storms and thunders. By the morning time Wave was already a calm little soul. It would crash among the rocks, and splash around the earthly shores, lightly at the beginning and then a bit fiercer. It's mother was the Wind and its father was the Cloud. Wave always found a fancy in playing and dancing when it's mother would be in tumult. It was sort of a performance of some kind. As a child, the best thing to do was dance so fiercely with the rocky shores, it gave Wave a sense of euphoria. Wave met a lot of friends on its journeys; most of them though would change and leave behind just as the seasons changed. That saddened Wave the most. Losing friends or leaving friends behind. But Wave knew that time demanded a sense of growing and moving onto fiercer waters; the oceans. [...] 

...to be continued...


Tree Stories


Peter and Zoe are sitting on the couch laughing at funny videos. They're casually closer to each other. Their hands touch slightly. The atmosphere is electrified and they're both attracted to each other. Their heads are slowly colliding. They both take a sneak peak at each other. Their eyes meet and lock for brief seconds. Zoe slightly turns her gaze towards the laptop screen. Peter is shyly looking at Zoe now. Zoe is still focused on the PC screen explaining and talking about the software. She turns her head slightly and sweetly towards him.Peter then kisses Zoe. Simply at first but more passionately after. Zoe is shocked but responds to the passionate kiss. The kiss finishes and Zoe sort of breaks away to speak first. They are both breathless.

(breathless) Maybe, we shouldn't...
Shouldn't be doing this.  
(still leering from the kiss) Why?
What's wrong with it?
You didn't like the kiss?   
Oh, I liked it alright. And I can think of a few
reasons why we shouldn't. (pause)
And no (beat), the kiss was good. Very good in fact.

Peter smiles. 

('cont) Zoe:
(kind of talking to herself)
This is the worrying part.
The awesomeness of that kiss. 

Zoe is leering now looking at Peter. Peter keeps smiling. Zoe slightly gets up and starts rumbling on. 

So what is it then?   
Well... For starters, you're Emily's little brother.
So that means that I just had the awesomest kiss
ever with my best friend's younger brother!
(pauses) Not that there's a problem with that.
Only...(pause) (speaking a bit calculative now)
... if she were to find out we kissed,
I don't have the faintest idea what her reaction would be.
But regardless that...

Peter sits back and smiles at Zoe's rumbling. She's pacing up and down now, trying to list all the things that are wrong with the idea of "them". She doesn't pause for breath. 

('cont) Zoe:
Then there's the issue of me going
away in a few days. And a kiss like that...

Zoe is leering again. She snaps out of it. 

('cont) Zoe:
...could potentially be disastrous!
I mean, it can dangerously and potentially
turn into something more for sure, yes, which
that could fuck me up real nicely once I'm back
in the sodded south. In all literal sense.
And of course lest we forget, I'm sort of an
over imaginative psychotic lioness,
who likes to analyze everything down to its last drop,
so that's not good either. (makes a grimace and looks at Peter)
Then again, I am lovable and cute and
so so so so  (emphatically) hungry for love and
passion that I know that potentially the sex
would be shamazing. So that's a bonus. (another grimace)

Zoe turns to look at Peter now. Peter is still amused by her continuous rumbling and nods in approval but let's her rumble on still, to have her moment of total panicking. 

('cont) Zoe:
Of course, on the one hand,
this could turn into a very needy clingy
love affair with lots of great sex and witty jokes,
but possibly and ultimately it could, and would,
end in lots of tears and excruciating amounts of
booze and cheesy rom-com marathons.
Now THAT, could fuck me up royally,
cause since I'm leaving soon I will no longer have it.
So that's a minus. Then again, this might all
work out and I will have just sabotaged this
just now by talking too much cause I'm nervous
we've actually kissed and there's nothing to make
me shut up cause all I keep thinking is how intolerably
hot I am still from the kiss and
how I want to kiss you again but....

Peter pulls her towards him who's stood up by this point and kisses her fiercely and passionately. They kiss for a long time. They are both breathless. They are still very hungry for each other. 

Zoe:  (whispering)
I guess that could um make me shut up.   
Peter:  (softly)
Yes, it could. 

Peter kisses her side of the neck softly. They're still embracing and looking at one another passionately. 


Zoe smiles. Peter is looking at her intently and with passion. 

Live and let die, I suppose...?!?

She's looking at him with hungry puppy eyes. Peter is smiling with desire. He puts his hands on her face making a move for another kiss but halts for a bit. 

We'll both jump, then.
Together. Eh? What do you think? 

Zoe smiles sweetly now. She's enfolded in his embrace. She momentarily breaks away and heads to the door of the room. Peter's gaze follows her. 

Come. Let's jump. 

Zoe stretches out her hand to him. Peter goes to her and takes her hand. He leads her up the stairs and into his room. 

--Cut to. 



Απολογούμαι για το φόρματ του μίνι-σεναρίου γιατί απλά ο μπλόγκερ εκάμνε πολλά κούτζια για να το βάλω σε σεναριακό φόρματ. Τέλος πάντων, διαβάζετε θέλω να πιστεύω. 

Αφήστε σχόλια, εισηγήσεις κλπ. 
Όλα καλοδεχούμενα. 

Cloud Atlas End Title - Tom Tykwer


  1. Αφού έχω το όνομα ότι δίνω επιχειρήματα, ας το συνεχίσω. το δεύτερο αν και περιστρέφεται γύρω από το πνεύμα των ανθρωπίνων (ερωτικών) σχέσεων και πάει το στο σαικς μπορεί να "πουλά" παραπάνω, αλλά επί της ουσίας εν έχει ιδιαίτερο περιεχόμενο ως στιγμής τουλάχιστον. Ούτε ιδιαίτερο σασπένς.
    Το πρώτο εν πιο στο πνεύμα των ιστοριών-παραμυθιών που μας βάλλεις τελευταία (και το οποίο απολαμβάνω, εν ωραία αλλαγή που ό,τι άλλο διαβάζω εδώ) και αφήνει με να θέλω να ξέρω πάρακατω τι γίνεται. Το μόνο που δεν μου άρεσε ή μάλλον εχτύπησε μου λίγο άσχημα είναι ότι το wave δεν είναι ούτε αγόρι ούτε κορίτσι αλλά η μάμμα και ο παπάς έχουν ένα ενδεικτικό του γυναίκα-άνδρας αντίστοιχα, ενώ εμπορούσε να πει the Wave was the child of the Wind anf the Cloud και να μείνει μέχρι εκεί (φαντάζομαι).

    1. Oh brilliant, brilliant darling. Thank you so much for taking the time to read them both.
      It's an experiment to see public opinion on the 2 pieces.

      Your comments and suggestions will be taken on board. :) xxxxx


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