2012: Ο Απολογισμός

January Home, the friend, Sissi, parents, fights, unemployement, Golden Globes, love, penniless, Yu-gi-Oh!, Wicked, home. February Home, the friend , Sissi, parents, more fights, little less love, Oscars, unemployment, penniless, Yu-gi-Oh!, bitterness, home, lonely. March Home, the friend, the friend's sister, annoyed, fights, gifts, meeting the parents, Sissi, unemployment, friends, outings, friendship-love, little even less romantic love, home, lonely, confused, anxiety, stress, home. April Easter, anxiety, happiness, love(?), break-up, tears, pain, suffering, lost, unemployed, family, Sissi, walks, friends, even more friends, pain, lies, tears, outings, coffees, sleeplessness, tears, home, painting, lost, home. May Disappearance, England, Wicked, English friends, The Duchess of Malfi, Stratford City, North London, Ipad2 (Pantelis), Sissi, friends, friendship love, outings, opportunity, lost, hurt, lies, cheating, swearing, fights, tears, positivity, home, s...