La Vita e Cosi Bella

Everything happened so soon. 
Life runs in circles.
It almost feels endless sometimes.
There are evenings such as these that I remember you.
Nostalgia slithers up on my flaky skin and makes me shudder.

I have no regrets or remorse for the past.
It's done. It happened. It's gone.
No reason to look back now. No.
Life did go on. And it's sweet still.
Somtimes lonesome and tedious, but sweet.

The starry sky is full of promises tonight.
Full of new possibilities and renewals.
The 'one' lurks somewhere there.
Lingers in the shadows, perhaps.

The heart is a funny thing. 
It doesn't always work when you want her to.
A thing you once thought you wanted, now feels strange and distant.
Such an irony, timing! It's all about taking that leap of faith.

Friday night. Curling up by the sofa with a good book.
Classical music sways in the background.
Something familiar. Tchaikovsky. Swan Lake. The waltz. 
Makes you teleport. Vienna. Music halls. 19th century. 
The elite traversing for another night at the ballet.
Gossiping about who scandalized whom. 
Societies in all of their forms are all the same.

Even as 21st century spectator, it all feels rather tedious and hypocritical still.
Gossip! What a "great" human invention. 
How does that quote go again?...

Great minds discuss ideas. 
Average minds discuss events. 
Small minds discuss people.  

It doesn't matter.
It can't really hurt you if you don't let it.
Such is my blessing and my curse.
Knowing what you want, and refusing to compromise.
It's like your whole nature is rebelling against this tediousness.
This pettiness that they have you believing that it's "normal".

Fuck normal!!!
Normal is so boring.

Aloneness is liberating.
It lets you retrieve pieces of your soul you never thought existed. 
Re-imaging yourself as a phoenix. 
Shelterring the sky. Soaring above it all.

Of mice and men.
So small. So ignorant we are all. Ant-people.

I can't help but going back to this quote:
"Beasts of the Southern Wild"

When it all goes quiet behind my eyes, I see everything that made me lying around in invisible pieces. When I look too hard, it goes away. And when it all goes quiet, I see they are right here. I see that I'm a little piece in a big, big universe. And that makes things right. When I die, the scientists of the future, they're gonna find it all. They gonna know, once there was a Hushpuppy, and she live with her daddy in the Bathtub.

"Little piece in a big, big universe".
How vain we think we are.
Just because we know that the stars we see are dead, we think we own them too. Like we think we own everything else in our lives.

Faith. This is what consumes me tonight.
Overwhelming faith. 
Wisdom. An unquenchable thirst for peace and knowledge.

I shan't ever accept the ignorance is bliss.
And I shan't ever miss the little life I let myself believe I was meant to follow.
Having you believe that if you eat there, and if you dress like that, and if you show and broadcast your happiness, therefore it is so. 
But...haha...joke's on you. It. Is. Not. 

Happiness is born from within.
And is not vain or boastful.
It doesn't need to be broadcasted. 
Same for love.

Faith. Love. 
You give them. 
You never count them.
You give without expecting.

And the heartache you think you're receiving is a blessing too.
For without pain, there would be no joy.
So give them love. 
Give love to all. 

Life runs in circles.
It's full of yin and yangs.
And it's so, so beautiful.
Even when you're curled up with a good book.
And you have Tchaikovsky or Luis Bacalov or Paco de Lucia or Ennio Morricone or even Leonard Cohen to make you dream and hope still.

La vita e cosi bella, non credi?

Il Postino (Luis Bacalov)


  1. I don't like that ignorance is bliss shit either. Even though I have found myself in situations when it felt fitting, I'd always bite the bullet and take the hard truth rather than the fluffy lie. My darling be strong, you are strong, but stay strong. I'm told it gets better. And I hope it does xx

  2. Fuck normal!!!
    Normal is so boring.totally agree with you!!!!!!


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