
In lamest terms 'Sassenach' means: Sassenach [sas-uh-nuh kh, -nak] Word Origin noun 1. an English inhabitant of the British Isles: used, often disparagingly, by the Gaelic inhabitants. An outlander. Well yes, maybe I am influenced by this book series - or the tv series altogether. But in broadest terms, an outlander is someone who doesn't belong, an outsider, an alien, a weirdo - as people might call them in pop culture. The summer flowed through a great depression. It seems to be ruling over me still. Mostly cause there came a point in my life when I realized how to spot the honest ones with the not-so-honest ones. It was sad, and gruelling and it had a lot of angst and tears involved, as could there not be. I am an Outlander . This is how the people in my life made me feel. A stranger to myself. I don't know where it all started. No, no. Stop lying to yourself. You do know where it started. You just didn't want to admit it to ...