So what is it all about then?!?

So how can I put this? I am not perfect either. I am not perfect at all actually. I do complain and I am grumpy, when I shouldn't. I do think about my convenience and how to get ahead, professionally at least. But I don't under any circumstances let myself fall victim of the "current". I hate doing something just because I was told to or just because I am expected by others to do. I simply refuse to accept the 'normal' and try to differ, even though that means my exclusion from society. I understand the fact that life today is ruled by money, power and how to advance yourself by luxury. But why can't we live without the over-the-top luxury and just enjoy what we have here, now?! Why is it that we can't stop wanting more and more? In all, why are we so damn greedy and insatiable; on love, career, friendships, clothes, bags, cars etc. Why do we think that the more we have, the happier we're going to be? As a child I was brought up to think ...